Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I feel so far away now, far away from that world. As though I am from an island somewhere all too far away and everyone, though they have seen it, refuses to admit that they have--as though I still live there somehow.

"It's much too late to go back."

"I don't want to go back, anyway."

Perhaps before it was too late, I would have liked to turn on my feet and live as, supposedly, everyone in this place does. It's impossible now--and few things are really impossible. Now the thought of going back seems frightening, nightmarish, and the fact that it is so common makes it all the worse.

I wish that others could see it, too, that the world would not be so blinded. It is so freeing, as though I live in a forest with only friends, those who can see white rabbits in suits and will-o'-the-wisps and follow them until they find their way home, far away from anything cruel or dull.

Today, someone told me that they want to understand me. I wonder if that could be done anymore?


  1. My dear, you are a beautiful writer. I cannot fathom how I hadn't found you earlier, but now that I have I suppose this much will have to be sufficient. You are so magical, this is so beautiful and powerful-I've been frozen all the way through to my core. My spine tingles at your words, dear Lumina. Like your name suggests, you shine, you glow, you illuminate. You're a gem.

    As difficult as it may seem for you, there is someone out there longing to get to know you. If you can, and you want you, you could let them. I know it can be done, dear.

    I cannot thank you enough for adding my blog to your list on the sidebar.While I cannot understand why you would, you are such a dear to do so and the sentiment has touched my heart like you have no idea. I'm honored to say the least. You are a delight, you truly are.

    Oh, I love you already!
    Norah xx

  2. Oh, thank you so much, you are so kind! Your comment has really brightened my day.
