Sunday, July 10, 2011

Reasons for existing

  • Find my Lost Swans
  • Have Great Adventures, like the dreams most grown-ups have forgotten (and find the Lost Stories, too)
  • Be beautiful and admirable (not only in appearance), like a Princess and a Knight in a single life
  • Grant the dreams of the Locked People
  • Tie the world together with the soft ribbons I always wear
  • Patch together a bright blue sky for the land of Always-Rains
  • Go Home
When everything seems to be ending, I remember that I'm only in the middle of the beginning.


    1. Such lovely reasons, my friend. I'm off to find my own too. Just as well, I hope it would be this wonderful... but it's a choice. Oh, maybe someday when the skies are clear.

      :) Thank you for this, Lumina ♥ You bring so much beauty.

    2. Oh, and what absolutely marvelous reasons they are too! You cannot go wrong with them.
      I love them all, but that second to last one is especially beautifully written. :)

    3. Thank you both very much; I love reading your kind words. ♥ Also, Haze, I wish you the best of luck with finding your reasons.

    4. Your words are so calming & beautiful...
      What an uplifting list!

    5. the Locked People <3
      oh dearest, this was at once magical & earnest & heartbreaking. you should write a story or something


    6. Thank you. ♥

      Jade: I'm glad you think so; thinking of these things always cheers me up.

      not wendy: The Locked People are terribly tragic, so it's such a lovely feeling to help them. <3 I'm going to begin posting some of the Lost Stories soon, but I haven't written an entirely fictional short story in quite some time.
